Reading Time 3 mins 51 secs –
When was the last time you failed at something? Was it something small or something big?
Was it fun?
Of course, it wasn’t. Failure is never fun.
Here’s the thing: it’s not just a cliché to say you can always learn from failure. It’s true.
In fact, having a proper understanding of failure is vital to your success.
I’m sure you’re familiar with the Honda Corporation. Honda has a proper understanding of failure. I read that their engineers spend 95% of their time studying their failures—why the lawn mower wouldn’t start the first time or why the gas mileage is higher on their new car model than on the old one.
Why? Because they know that their success lies in those failures.
You have to look at failures the same way.
We’re all going to make mistakes. Most of us come into God’s Kingdom, and we don’t know how to live life, so we fail. And the enemy loves to pervert our failures. He wants us to hesitate in moving forward, so he tries to get us to rehearse our failures over and over again, or he paints a vivid picture of the risks. He tells us that our failures are permanent.
And, all too often, we believe him.
Then, we stop. We don’t move forward because we’re afraid we’ll fail again.
Or the enemy has another tactic—blaming the failure on God. That’s one of his favorites.
Why? Because it makes us question God.
The enemy used this tactic on Joshua. In Joshua 1, Moses died and God put Joshua in charge. Joshua led the people to Jericho, and the walls came down. Things were working just like God had said… until chapter 7.
That’s where failure happened. There was a guy named Achan in chapter 7. Achan had stolen some of the spoils from battle, and Joshua had no clue. Unaware of Achan’s failure to follow God’s instructions, Joshua sent men on to the next battle at Ai only to see his men killed.
Everyone has a chapter 7.
We’ve all had those moments when we begin to follow Christ, and something happens that doesn’t match the picture, or the promise, in the Bible or what we know God has said. And if we don’t understand how to deal with failure, those moments may make us lose our courage. We might hesitate, or we might set up camp and never try again, or we might just try to run back to Egypt.
So, we have to understand failure and how to deal with it.
Joshua had to learn. At first, like we all do, Joshua reacted. The enemy’s plan to have him blame God worked. Joshua questioned God.
Ever done that before? Ever blamed God or questioned Him? We all have.
But God wasn’t having it. He told Joshua to GET UP!
See, people say that they wish Jesus would just show up. Trust me, you DON’T want that. Jesus isn’t going to show up and say, “Let’s have a group hug.”
When the disciples freaked out that they were going to drown in the storm at sea, Jesus didn’t get up and coddle and comfort them. No, Jesus said, “Where is your faith?”
In the same way, He’s probably not going to baby you if you experience failure. He’s going to say, “GET UP! Have you not read MY WORD? I already paid the price!” He will correct you.
That’s exactly what God did to Joshua. He told him to get up. Then, He told Joshua exactly what had happened. See, the failure wasn’t just on Achan’s part. It was also on Joshua’s. Joshua hadn’t sought instruction from God before he engaged Ai. If he had, God could have told him about Achan before they went to battle. Instead, Joshua just assumed.
You can NEVER assume things in the Kingdom. You can’t do anything based on your past victories. The enemy is already wise to them, and he’s already changed strategies.
You don’t have to fail. If you go to God first, failure doesn’t have to happen.
But even if you do fail, there are steps you can take to overcome the failure and move forward:
1. Ask God what happened.
If the Word says it, it’s God’s will. There are a lot of variables—things like unbelief and wrong expectations—that mess with the heart and can short-circuit faith. If it didn’t happen, you need to ask God why.
2. Pinpoint the short circuit.
Know who, what, why, when, where, and how so it doesn’t happen again.
3. Ask God how to fix it.
4. Get the plan from Him on how to restore the loss.
5. GET UP and take action.
Sure, you’ll probably feel afraid. Ignore your feelings. God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous. You will have to be too. You can feel afraid, but don’t act like it.
Remember, if you’re not doing the hardest thing in your life, you’re not growing.
God has already prepared a way for you to go and succeed in a big way. Be confident and let the Holy Spirit teach you, train you, and reveal unique strategies to you. Keep your vision in front of your face. Write it down! Believe it’s possible; otherwise, you’re destined to stay right where you are.
God wants to advance His Kingdom in the earth through you. He’s depending on you to overcome failure and take territory for Him.
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