“Why aren’t you up there?” I (Gary) heard the Lord ask me as I sat in the audience watching the top 10 business owners get recognized onstage.
“What, Lord?” I thought. “I didn’t think I’d need to explain it to You! You know how busy I am with the ministry and pastoring now. You’re the One that called us to this! The business had to take a back seat.”
But before I had a chance to argue with Him, He said, “I want you up there. I want My name known.”
What?! It was already late February! Getting on that stage next year would mean doing $10 million in business, more than DOUBLE what we had done the last few years.
I had sat in that audience FOR 18 YEARS, perfectly content with just being on the trip. After all, I was already at capacity.
I had no idea how in the world we would get on that stage the next year. It looked impossible.
But God knew.
You might already know that long before Drenda and I started ministering and pastoring a church, we had started a financial services company. We’ve had that company now for about 37 years.
Through that company, we have a lot of different vendors we work with, and many of those companies offer reward programs for doing business with them.
Before we pastored, our business was a top producer for a lot of those vendors. In fact, for years, we were ranked
number one
out of the 5,000+ offices that offered the same types of services worldwide.
But then we started the church, and the business went on the back burner. Of course, we were perfectly fine with that. We were being obedient to God, launching a church, and homeschooling our five kids. I loved the new call of God on my life, and I had accepted the fact that our business wasn’t ranked number one anymore.
Over the years, there has been one vendor in particular that we worked with that had these conventions in great locations every year, and they would offer an expenses paid trip to the convention as a reward each year.
During those conventions, the company would always recognize the top 10 producing business owners from the previous year on stage. Those business owners would get a chance to share their stories, and they would each receive a $100,000 bonus check.
FOR 18 YEARS, I sat in the audience at those conventions just thankful to make the trip, because we were busy pastoring our church.
And then God asked me why I wasn’t up there on the stage.
You can be sure that His question rattled me. Sure, God wanted me on that stage, but
I had no clue how it would happen.
I was already at max capacity! I didn’t have the time or the energy to work toward that goal.
But God had bigger plans. Because Drenda and I know
anything is possible
with God, we sowed a seed and believed God would show us exactly what to do to make it happen.
And He did.
It all started with a UNIQUE STRATEGY. God gave me a dream in the night that showed me one small tweak to make in how we had been running our company.
But that small tweak—that
UNIQUE STRATEGY—made a tremendous difference that year, and our company made the $10 million we needed to be in the top 10.
We got up on that stage and gave God all the glory.
In Matthew 13:11, Jesus said the knowledge of the
secrets, or
mysteries, of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to US but not to them.
You aren’t supposed to just stumble through life hoping things will work out or sit in the audience watching everyone else get recognized when you could be making His name known.
God wants to show YOU the secrets, or mysteries, of the Kingdom so you can advance and win in life!
One of those secrets—a KEY secret, or mystery—is the POWER OF STRATEGY. See, too often, we forget we’re in a spiritual battle, and we don’t take the spiritual adversary we have seriously. We’ve seen too many TV shows and cartoons that downplay the enemy to just some creepy guy with horns and a red cape. In fact, you wouldn’t believe the number of Christians who don’t believe Satan is real.
But he is. And so are his demons, and they don’t want to see you prosper and live the incredible life God has for you. This is the reason the Bible says Jesus spoke in parables—it was God’s unique strategy to keep things from the enemy.
Think about it. You have an enemy that wants to stop you dead in your tracks; that would love to keep YOU sitting in the audience of life (like me for 18 YEARS!) instead of making God’s name known and telling the world that He is the reason for your incredible success.
That’s why God uses UNIQUE STRATEGIES.
UNIQUE STRATEGIES from God are YOUR SECRET WEAPONS. Friend, God has the answers you need.
He wants to give you direction for your life. He wants to help you have the incredible life He’s designed for you. He wants to get you out of the audience!
YOU must step out in faith and trust Him to show you exactly what to do.
Let Him help you.
Ask Him to tell you what you need to do and where you need to go.
Ask Him what you need to tweak, or change, or adjust so YOU can go where He is calling YOU.
And just so you know in advance—a God-inspired strategy might seem foolish to your way of thinking. Just like I never would’ve thought that making one small tweak to a business process would help make a $6 million difference. Or how Peter probably never would’ve thought that he could get a coin out of the mouth of a fish…
“…go down to the lake and throw in a line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch, and you will find a large silver coin. Take it and pay the tax for both of us.”
—Matthew 17:27b (NLT)
How’s that for a UNIQUE STRATEGY? Have you ever heard of anyone else anywhere in the world catching a fish with
in its mouth?
That story shows us more than just how amazing Jesus is; it teaches us a critical lesson:
We have to be willing to listen and obey
when we get unusual instructions from God.
Granted, Jesus still had Peter catch a fish, which he clearly knew how to do as a professional fisherman. The enemy knew that. It wasn’t a big deal for Peter to be fishing. As far as the enemy was concerned, Peter was just going about his normal day.
But God was using a UNIQUE STRATEGY to meet their need.
God will do the same things for you that He did for Peter and for me!
YOU can get the exact answer you need exactly when
you need it.God knows where your provision is, and He wants you to have the answers you need!
He has hidden the secrets of His Kingdom
you, not
Psalm 23 says God delights in preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemy. God uses UNIQUE STRATEGIES to advance His cause right under the enemy's nose. He loves that. (We do too. It makes for the best stories!)
And that’s how God wants to use YOU.
That’s how He used Drenda and me.
The devil never had a clue that I would someday be out of debt, let alone declaring the good news of the Kingdom in the area of money, or standing on a stage giving God the glory for our incredible, impossible-without-God success! Neither did I. But as we followed God and asked God to show us how to do things, everything changed!
Understanding how God works undercover using THE POWER OF STRATEGY is one of the single GREATEST keys to your success and victory in life.
It’s critical that you understand this if you want to capture the opportunities God has for you.
That’s why we’ve created not just one, but TWO incredible Power of Strategy package options for you this month!
No more missing out on the great things God has and wants for you! God has your plan, friend! He wants you to have incredible stories of UNUSUAL STRATEGIES to share too!
Don’t wait another day. Get the Power of Strategy mentorship package that is right for YOU TODAY and see how the power of strategy can change your life!