Reading Time 3 mins 22 secs –
“These people are killing me!”
“We can’t afford that.”
“I have such a hard time losing weight.”
“My husband doesn’t want to do anything.”
“I’m so sick and tired of this.”
How many of those statements sound familiar?
Think about it. How often do you hear things like that said by someone on television, by a coworker, or by a family member?
How often do words like that come out of YOUR mouth?
Take a few minutes to really think about everything that has come out of your mouth in just the last 24 hours. Either make a mental note of all the things you’ve been saying or actually write them down. Then, come right back to this blog, because you have to know how important this is.
Your words are setting the course for your life.
What have you been saying, friend?
Maybe you’re thinking: But, Gary, I REALLY don’t mean those things when I say them.
Maybe you’re like the guy I was flying with one time who started cussing left and right as soon as we took off. There I was in the jump seat hearing everything. When he remembered I was there, he covered his mouth and said, “Oh, I’m sorry. Excuse my French.” He said he didn’t mean to say that.
Oh, but he did. Because here’s the thing:
You can’t fool your heart.
Romans 10:10 (NIV) says, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess and are saved.”
You can go to church on the weekend and sing songs about your authority and say, “In Jesus’s name” all you want, and play the religious game, but what is really in your heart will be what comes out of your mouth. It may not come out every day, but it will come out eventually.
And whatever you believe in your heart and say with your mouth is what you’ll have—good
or bad.
Proverbs 18:21 says that YOUR words have the power of life and death.
Your mouth is literally releasing life or death with Every. Word. You. Speak.
That’s where so many people are messing up.
So many people want to win in life, but they’re killing God’s promises and their futures with their own words.
Jesus showed us this in Mark 11 when He cursed the fig tree and it died.
Your words are just as binding as Jesus’s words. In Matthew 18:18 (NIV), He said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
You HAVE to be careful about what you’re saying. You will walk in EXACTLY what you decree.
Don’t say, “Well, I’ve tried that ‘faith stuff,’ but it hasn’t worked.” Don’t say you don’t trust God or you aren’t seeing results. What have you been decreeing over your life? What is really in your heart? Are you saying what you really believe or just saying what you think you’re supposed to say?
What comes out of your mouth when the pressure hits? What are you saying in the middle of the night when you couldn’t pay your electric bill and you know they’re coming the next day to shut it off? What are you saying when the pain or the sickness seems downright unbearable? What are you saying when the picture you see doesn’t yet match the promise?
God gave YOU the keys. The authority is in YOUR hands.
James 3 tells us that we are setting the course of our lives with our words, but most people have no clue how this works. They’re trying to get to one place and end up somewhere else, and they wonder why. It’s like setting out for London and ending up in the Philippines.
Friend, you’re the one steering the ship.
What are you saying? Make it only good things! Say “yes” and “amen” to every promise! Decree provision, healing, direction, wisdom, and health over your life! Use your words wisely.
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