Reading Time 3 mins 30 secs –
Ready to talk about a controversial topic?
It’s time to talk about healing.
Healing isn’t a popular subject for most people, and it’s definitely not a popular sermon for most pastors. But that doesn’t make sense to me, because health is a really big deal.
So, maybe you’ve talked to some people in your family about health, healthcare, and maybe even healing. Do you know what your family thinks about all of that? What about your friends? Where do they stand on the important issues? How about your church? What do those people think? And how about your elected officials? What are they saying?
Because if you know all of those views, you’ve got it covered, right?
Well, wait just a minute.
Can you tell me what the Bible says about it?
If you’ve ever heard me speak, you know that I’ve said that healing is a promise from God. You may know of a few specific places in the Bible you can reference, like Isaiah 53:5, which tells us that by Jesus’s wounds, His stripes, we are healed. But there is more. There is so much more.
So, go get your Bible and give me just a few minutes of your time. (Go on and get it. Really, I’ll be waiting right here.)
You have to have your Bible with you because this is warfare, and your Bible is your weapon. Sickness and disease are spiritual battles. When you’re fighting those battles, you have to know your legal rights. You have to know what the Bible says. You can’t try to fight just knowing what I say or what some other TV preacher says. You have to know the Bible for yourself.
Let’s begin by looking at Matthew 8:16. It says in my Bible that Jesus restored to health ALL who were sick. What does your Bible say?
How about Matthew 4:23? What does that say?
Matthew 9:35? Matthew 12:15? Matthew 14:14? Matthew 15:30? Matthew 19:2? Matthew 21:14? Acts 10:38? I could keep going.
“But that’s Jesus,” you say. “Of course He healed everyone, Gary.”
Well, look at Luke 9:1. Jesus gave the disciples the same power He had to heal people. Now, look at Luke 9:6 then Luke 10:1-9. This is where Jesus appointed 72 others to carry on the mission of preaching the Gospel and healing people.
In Mark 16:15-18, we read that Jesus authorized and deputized the church to do the exact same thing. He said if WE believe and are baptized that WE have His power, His Spirit, and that we’re to go out and lay hands on the sick so that they will get well.
You see, the promise of healing is everywhere in the Word of God.
What’s the deal then? Why are some people healed and others are not?
One critical thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is our lack of confidence. When you’re not sure what you believe, you’re not confident. We have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s God’s will to heal every time or we can’t possibly be confident. If we’ve been taught that God allows sickness, that He uses it to teach people things, or that He’ll heal when He’s ready to heal, we’ve lost confidence. None of that is Scripture. None of that is the will of God.
Once you know the will of God, you can know that justice will be served for you. The only way you know the will of God is to study the Word of God.
Another thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is tradition. The Bible says in Matthew 15:6 that tradition nullifies the Word of God. What is tradition? It’s the passing on of beliefs or customs from generation to generation. How many times have you heard, “I don’t believe like that” or “My church doesn’t teach that”? Well, brace yourself—who cares what your church says? Who cares what I say? You need to know what the Bible says about it!
What has been set up in your mind about yourself? What have you learned or possibly adapted to that does not line up with God’s Word?
Let’s change it. Let’s change your mentality. Let’s stop saying, “Help me” and start saying, “Let’s find out what God’s will is.” Let’s get to where you’re thanking God that you’ve already been helped.
How do we do that? Get in the Word of God. Guard your heart, and make sure you’re putting ONLY faith in there. Use your words. Enforce the promise. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t let the situation appear bigger than God.
Right now, you might not be there. You might be intrigued, but that’s about it. Just wait a little while. Keep digging into the Word of God. Let faith build in your spirit.
Put faith and the Word of God in your heart before anything comes into your life. Because sometimes you don’t have time to get your Bible, and you need to be prepared. Have the Word of God in your heart so you can get to it if you can’t get to your Bible. Know and be convinced of what the will of God is.
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