Imagine with me for a minute that you’re sitting in an auditorium with hundreds of other people getting ready to listen to a speaker when someone walks out on the stage and tells the audience that they’ve hidden a treasure underneath one of the seats.
What would you do?
How far would you go to find the treasure?
Would you keep looking for the treasure until someone yelled they found it, or until YOU found it?
Here’s the thing friend:
No, I’m not talking about under some chair in an auditorium.
Take a look at Luke 5.
We read that Jesus borrowed a boat from some fishermen. He sat in the boat and taught the people on the shore. Then He gave the boat back to the fishermen and told them to go out into the deeper water and let down their nets. And they caught so many fish that their nets began to break and their boat began to sink.
The fishermen hadn’t caught any fish that day. It wasn’t due to their lack of knowledge or experience. They were professional fishermen and had grown up on the lake fishing. But they had labored all night and caught nothing.
The fishermen—Peter, James, and John—went from catching nothing during what was probably an exhausting all-day or night fishing trip to completely filling TWO boats with fish in a matter of minutes.
They filled two boats so full of fish that they almost sank!
Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. – Colossians 1:12-14
Do you see that?
God rescued us and brought us into the Kingdom of His Son—His Kingdom—His realm of power and authority.
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household. – Ephesians 2:19
And “treasure” doesn’t just mean monetary things; treasure is anything you find valuable , like great health , a happy marriage , a stable family , or success.
As part of the Church, the hidden things— the things God knows that you don’t know —are supposed to be revealed to you.
One of my favorite examples of hidden things, of answers , being revealed is in Daniel 2.
King Nebuchadnezzar had some disturbing dreams that really upset him, and he couldn’t sleep. When he called in his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers, they expected him to tell them the dream so they could interpret it.
But King Nebuchadnezzar threw them all a curveball. He told them they needed to tell him what he had dreamed and the interpretation.
How’s that for an impossible demand?
I mean, really. Can you imagine someone saying, “Tell me what I dreamed and what it means or I’ll have you killed”?
Clearly, King Nebuchadnezzar wasn’t rational. The guy wasn’t getting any sleep, and he was losing it.
When the guys couldn’t do what he demanded, he ordered the execution of ALL the wise men of Babylon—which included Daniel and his friends.
But Daniel asked for more time.
So he went to his friends and told them to pray so they wouldn’t all be killed.
But Daniel knew something the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers didn’t know:
And we see that the mystery—the knowledge—was revealed to Daniel during the night. In verses 20-23 Daniel praised God, saying wisdom and power are His. God gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things and makes known to us what we ask of Him.
Daniel went to the king and asked that he not execute anyone, and then he revealed the dream to the king and interpreted it for him.
King Nebuchadnezzar was so impressed that he honored Daniel and promoted him.
Pause here for a second. Because I REALLY need you to realize that this isn’t just a great Bible story—
See, Jesus made our access to the Kingdom legal, yet most people read the stories in the Bible much like our ancestors viewed things like electricity and lightning—acknowledging that, yes, the events happened, but never envisioning the POWER of those things for themselves.
Jesus said that the same things that we see Him doing, we have the ability to do as well. The Kingdom of God has already been given to YOU. You just have to understand its laws. Because it’s the Kingdom in you that gives you access to the secret knowledge—the hidden knowledge.
I’ll say it again:
There is so much more I want to share with you about this. Because I know if you get this— really get this —it will completely change your life just like it completely changed mine!
I want you to know everything you can about how the Kingdom of God operates, and how you can discover and uncover the hidden knowledge and direction you need to reach your destiny.
Together, the Hidden series and Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Allegiance book cover all of that. Request your copies today!
The post Need Something? This is Who has Your Answers. appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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