The Power of Generosity, Part One
As believers, we’re taught to give. But why? And then what after you give? Join Gary Keesee for part one of this thought-provoking series and get the answers to those questions and more. Get ready to have your eyes opened to how the Kingdom of God operates, how you can qualify for the incredible assignments God has in the earth realm, and the amazing things that will happen when you partner with Him and show people His heart for them.
The Power of Generosity, Part Two
You have access right now to the opportunity of a lifetime. What is it? How can you make sure you don’t miss it? Find out when you join Gary Keesee for part two of this eye-opening series on the Kingdom of God and the incredible power of generosity.
The Power of Generosity, Part Three
Can God trust you to carry out His assignments? God has plans worth billions, but do you know how to tap into them? Join Gary and Drenda Keesee for this impactful episode as they discuss God’s plans for you to thrive, how you can hear God’s “big ideas,” and why He wants to empower you to be generous on every occasion.
The Power of Generosity, Part Four
Having your bills paid and being out of debt is a great place to be, but life shouldn’t stop there. God wants to take you past that. Why, and how? Don’t miss today’s episode with Gary and Drenda Keesee as they share more about the doorway that gives God the opening to bless you with opportunities, direction, concepts, and ideas that will propel your life financially.
The Power of Generosity, Part Five
Are you someone God can trust with success? How can you succeed in God's way? Make sure you’re on the right track by joining Gary and Drenda Keesee for this episode as they discuss God’s strategies for success and His promotion system. Plus, you don’t want to miss the amazing story in this episode of a couple who went from nothing to owning a million-dollar business! Grab a notebook to take notes!
Productivity & Creativity in Today’s Distracted World
You want to accomplish things in life, but distractions are everywhere. You’re being pulled in a lot of directions. How can you be more productive? Get great tips to help you stay focused and accomplish more when you join Gary and Drenda Keesee for part one of this series of episodes featuring special guest, filmmaker, author, producer, and media expert Phil Cooke.
How to Finish Well
What legacy do you want to leave in life? What do you want your story to be? How can you make sure you don’t stall or fail? Join special guest, filmmaker, author, producer, and media expert Phil Cooke for this eye-opening message as he shares the seven things people who have long and successful careers do. Learn how you can implement them in your own life, so you can finish extraordinarily well too.
Prepare with Diligence and Act with Urgency, Part One
Are you aiming at the right targets in life? Do you know what you should be doing and when you should be doing it? Do you know when you should be preparing and when you should be taking action? Get the answers to those questions and more when you join Gary Keesee for part one of this important teaching that will help you make sure you’re not shooting at, or for, the wrong things.
Prepare with Diligence and Act with Urgency, Part Two
It’s harvest season. Will you miss out? Join Gary Keesee for part two of this impactful teaching and make sure that you’re preparing with diligence and acting with urgency. Plus, you don’t want to miss the powerful story Gary shares of how the Kingdom of God is operating in one woman’s life!
The Way Back
The greatest threat to American Christianity isn’t the rise of secularism, militant Islam, or the gay community. The greatest threat to American Christianity is American Christians. Find out why—what’s gone wrong—and what you can do about it in this very serious and life-changing episode with Gary and Drenda Keesee and special guest, filmmaker, author, producer, and media expert Phil Cooke.
Your Financial Revolution, Part One
The Kingdom promises a life of abundance. Are you living that way? Everything you see in the Bible, you should also see in the local church. Is your church living that way? How can things change? Don’t miss this enlightening special edition episode with Gary Keesee and guest Jason Freudiger, Event Coordinator at Faith Life Church, as they talk about something they’ve never talked about before on the program.
Your Financial Revolution, Part Two
A church is only as free financially as its people are. Now is the time for God’s people, and His churches, to be free financially. Join Gary Keesee and guests Jason Freudiger, Event Coordinator at Faith Life Church and Steve Higgins, Director of Operations for Forward Financial Group for this special edition episode as they talk about something they’ve never talked about before on the program.
You Can Be Out of Debt, Part One
Do you want to get out of debt? Most people think it’s impossible, but it’s not. It is possible for you to be out of debt, including your mortgage, within five years without changing your budget. Don’t believe it? Join Gary Keesee for part one of this potentially life-changing series as he shows you how!
You Can Be Out of Debt, Part Two
Studies show at least 70% of Americans work at jobs they do not like. Are you one of them? Are you a slave to your debt? There’s a better way to live! Join Gary Keesee for part two of this vital message that will show you how to get started on the path to financial freedom.
You Can Be Out of Debt, Part Three
Are you ready to change your future? God has answers for you! Join Gary Keesee for part three of this eye-opening series as he shares how to gather the fragments in your life and the key principles you need to know to eliminate debt.
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