Reading Time 3 mins 43 secs –
Are you happy right now? Or are you feeling a little grumpy, or negative, or sorry for yourself?
We’ve all been there.
Years ago, I had one of those months. Yes, I said
months, not days.
I was negative. I was feeling sorry for myself. The weight and pressures of life and certain situations were bearing down on me. For some reason, during that time, I went to a conference I really didn’t feel like going to, and the speaker got up and said he was going to talk about being thankful.
Great, I thought.
Just what I want to hear.
What I really wanted was for someone to join me in my pity party. But that wasn’t happening.
Because God knew that wasn’t what I needed.
He knew I needed someone to tell me the truth.
See, I had taken my eyes off of all of the blessings of God. I had stopped remembering all of the amazing times He had come through for me.
I had taken my focus off of His promises and put it on my problems.
That message was just what I needed.
The Holy Spirit dealt with me right then about my heart and how I had been ungrateful. I had to repent. God set me free that day.
Here’s the thing: studies show that when you’re happy and thankful, you have 17% more friends. When you’re happy, you live longer and you have less health problems like heart attacks, strokes, colds, the flu, and even pain. Being grateful also strengthens your emotions, makes you more optimistic and less self-centered, improves your sleep, increases your self-esteem and your energy, helps you bounce back after a setback, reduces feelings of envy, helps your marriage, makes you look better, and makes you more productive.
Proverbs 17:22 (KJV) says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
See that?
Happiness is like medicine.
Discouragement sucks the life out of you.
Are you reading this and thinking, “Gary, you don’t know what I’m going through. I have serious problems”?
I understand.
But here’s the thing: happiness is not circumstantial. Happiness is a choice you make.
I hear it all the time…
“Gary, you don’t understand. I hate my house.”
Sell it.
“Gary, you don’t get it. I hate my job.”
Quit it.
Find a new one.
“Gary, I just hate my life.”
You’re not stuck. You have options. Every single day, you make choices to do something or NOT do something. And you have plenty of reasons to be happy.
Stop thinking you can only be happy when everything seems “perfect.”
Because “perfect” is really rare, and I do mean
really rare. In fact, odds are there will always be something in your life that isn’t “perfect.”
The good news is, no matter what you go through or deal with in life, you can still be thankful and happy, because you can always trust God despite your circumstances.
Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Wait. Did you see what that said?
Notice it didn’t say, “Only be anxious about the big things you can’t handle on your own.” Nope. It says don’t be anxious about
anything. It also says by prayer—and
with thanksgiving—present your requests to God. That means you should be thanking Him for all He’s already done and for what He’s about to do in your situation. You should be thanking Him before your answer shows up, because He’s faithful and good.
Look at Judges 20:19–25. There, we see the nation of Israel suffering great loss after a huge battle. They had lost 22,000 men.
Can you even imagine? I’m sure you’ll agree that that was a really bad day.
Then, on the second day of battle, they lost 18,000 more men.
40,000 men lost in two days.
The Bible tells us they took a day off at that point. They stopped and regrouped. Then, in verse 26, we see that the entire army presented
offerings of thanksgiving to God. Things had gone really wrong, and they needed to remind themselves that God was for them, that He is good and faithful, that He was
with them.
And the next day, they went out and won the battle.
So, what about you, friend?
Do you need to stop? Do you need to take your mind off the negative and remind yourself that God is for you, that He is good and faithful, and that He is with you?
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