How is everything that has been going on affecting you? Have you lost your job? Lost hours at work? Is your family in financial trouble?
Are you having trouble believing you can get out of this?
Please listen to me. It has never been as important as it is right now that you learn how the Kingdom of God operates.
Now, more than ever, you need to know who you are in Christ, and know the promises of God.
Because, now, more than ever, you have to be able to stand your ground.
In Luke 6, Jesus talks about a man who dug deep and built the foundation of his house on a rock. When a flood came, the house couldn’t be moved. Then He tells us about the man who built his house on the ground, without a foundation. When the flood came, his house collapsed and was ruined.
Now, you might have heard that story or even sang the song as a kid. The wise man built his house on the rock and the foolish one built his on the sand, right?
But, did it sink in? Did you take the time to build a firm foundation? Have you been confident enough to be able to stand your ground in the midst of this storm, or the pressure it may have caused in your life, your job, your marriage, or your relationships?
Maybe this whole COVID-19 situation hasn't felt like a storm for you at all.
Maybe you were dealing with problems prior to having to stay in your house.
Or maybe you haven't really faced any hard things... yet...
We’re all going to face storms in our lives at some point. And sometimes they’re even going to catch us off guard, like this one likely did. But if our foundations are strong, like strong trees weathering a storm, we’ll still know how to stand our ground.
Years ago, Drenda and I we were invited to a birth. We thought it would be a normal delivery, and we got there just as the baby had been born. The baby girl was extremely pale, and several doctors and nurses came running.
We watched as they started CPR on her. She was in cardiac arrest.
For more than 30 minutes, her heart stopped beating.
But as I watched these things happening, the Spirit of God said, YOU HAVE AUTHORITY HERE.
We couldn’t go in the room, but her dad and I stood outside the entry doors on each end, laid our hands on those doors, and began professing life over her, declaring what the Word of God says over Baby Holland.
We were praying.
We were standing our ground.
Then, we heard the beep of the heart rate monitor.
That was more than eight years ago now, and Holland is a healthy, thriving little girl.
But, as you well know, every story doesn’t end that way.
Sometimes we miss it. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we let what the world is saying sway us. Sometimes we panic.
But it’s all part of the learning process. And, if we learn through the small things, we just might not miss it when it’s a life and death situation.
How do we keep from missing it?
We have to learn what the Word of God says. We have to know how the Kingdom of God operates.
The church… the TV preachers… the people representing God, most haven’t done a good job of teaching people to recognize truth. Instead, they’ve taught people that God makes decisions on the run. It’s “if” He’s going to respond, and “if” He’s going to rescue them. We think we have to beg, and cry, and somehow convince
God of our need.
But that’s not what the Word of God says, and that’s not how the Kingdom of God operates. So it never works, and that house crumbles and falls in the storm.
One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 12:2:
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect.
See, most of the time our problem isn’t the enemy—it’s our lack of understanding.
Of course, the enemy is going to contend for every piece of ground that you try to take, but the Bible says the enemy is under our feet.
So the problem really is that people don’t know who they are.
They give too much credit to the enemy. If they would understand the truth, and the authority they have, they would know exactly how to stand their ground in every situation.
We can’t know the truth without knowing the Word of God.
First John 5:14 says that the confidence we have in Him is that if we ask anything according to His will, He listens and hears us. But if you don’t know the will of God, you can never be confident. And, if you’re not confident, you can never stand your ground.
We have to know how to build our houses on the rock. We have to be an example. This isn’t the time to play church. There’s no time for riding the fence. When everything is on the line, you can’t sit around wondering where God is. You have to know the Word. And you have to be courageous enough to wade into the face of circumstances—into the pressure—and DECLARE THE WORD.
Oh, and there most definitely WILL be pressure.
You’re just going to have to be confident that you can take it because, many times, your victory is based on that—on whether or not you can hold onto it under pressure.
See, Satan fears the Word. He fears the living Word of God. He knows that if the Word is incubated by your spirit, there’s no stopping it. It will produce every time.
So the only thing he can do is bring pressure against you to make you give up—to make you let go of the Word.
He wants you to think it can’t be done. He wants you to think the times are too scary. He wants you to think you’re not strong enough. He wants you to think it’s too late.
Years ago, a woman in our church found her four-year-old son at the bottom of a swimming pool. Her thirteen-year-old niece was with her. She screamed, “Call 911!” But her niece had been in church. She had learned that we have authority. So, she told her aunt, “We have authority here.” I believe God placed that niece with that mom at that very moment for that very purpose.
They began praying in the spirit and nothing was happening. The niece said, “We need to speak life to him.” So they said, “In the name of Jesus, wake up!” Immediately, he spit the water out and woke up. Today, that boy is an adult.
Now, I don’t know what the outcome might have been had they called 911. And, I’m not against doctors and medicine, but I do know that the right person was there—someone that understood the Kingdom of God and how to operate in the authority of the Kingdom at the right moment.
Could you handle that?
Are you so confident that you can look your situation in the face and declare what God says, even though the facts seem to say otherwise?
That’s the definition of faith: being fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He said even though there are facts saying otherwise.
You don’t have to be moved by facts. The Word of God is true. God doesn’t lie.
We need to be aware of facts, but they don’t dictate the end result. God is the final authority. And, if we’re the agent of God in that particular moment, we’re the final authority.
I knew why I was there at that exact second when Baby Holland was in cardiac arrest. I know why the niece was there when the little boy was found lifeless in the pool.
Friend, YOU are here for such a time as this.
You can either look at the situation—at what the facts might appear to be—and miss it. Or, you can know the Word of God, feed your faith, doubt your doubts, starve your fears, dig deep, and stand your ground.
It has never been as important as it is RIGHT NOW that you learn how to resist the enemy and take territory for God.
Because you have an adversary, and he doesn’t care if you go to church every week. He doesn’t even really care that you’re going to heaven. What he does care about is whether or not you’re influencing the world. He doesn’t want you to exercise your authority as a child of God.
It’s time you did.
Download Gary's life-altering four-part series Taking Territory
now, and unpack all you need to know about using your authority, enforcing your rights, and taking territory in life!
Get the spiritual knowledge YOU need for YOUR battle!