What does your life say to the people around you who don’t know God?
I know. You can’t believe I really just asked you that question. But I did. Because when was the last time you stood back and thought about how you’re representing God?
If you didn’t know Him and you saw someone who did know Him that lived a life like yours, would you want to know Him?
At a conference a few years ago, I met a young woman who had asked herself these very questions. She told me, “A year ago I was thinking, ‘I can’t even tell people about God, because why would they want my God? Why would they want what I have?” Because, a year ago, she was $45,000 in debt, had only a part time job, both of her kids were sick and needed to go to the doctor, her husband was out of work, and they needed a place to live. Everything was coming to a screeching halt for her.
But when she saw me at this conference she started shouting and jumping. She came up and gave me a hug and thanked me, and acted like she’d known me for a long time. She shared how she had heard our story and she had gotten some of our CDs. She listened to the CDs, and began to apply the principles, and now she has an amazing story of how she paid all the debt off, and everything changed. They started a business. They paid for the business. They bought a house and paid for it. Her whole life changed in 12 months. She was excited. And, she had brought a group of ladies with her—her sisters—to the conference, because they were seeing the results in her life and they wanted some for themselves.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I understand that you might be facing the toughest situation of your life right now, but I’m here to tell you that the Kingdom laws works for ANYONE. It WILL work for YOU.
But you have some work to do. You have to change the way you think about your life. You have to change the way you think about the Word of God. You have to start engaging.
Maybe you’ve already heard me say, “We don’t look for wealth. We create it.” But did you really get it? Did you let it sink in?
I met a couple in Canada who had been discouraged. They were in a rough spot. In fact, the husband had stopped going to church. Then he heard our story and he ordered the CDs and he listened to them. And he recognized that he had a lot of work to do. What do you think happened next? Do you think this couple listened to a few CDs and then tried to step out in faith to believe God to change their business? No. They listened to the CDs over and over and over again. In fact, they listened to the CDs non-stop for 30 days—24 hours a day, every day for an entire month. Why? Because they knew they had stinkin’ thinkin’. They knew they needed to change their mindset. And, they knew it wouldn’t happen overnight.
Finally, after 30 days, they believed they were ready. See, they waited until they were in faith before they tried to operate in it. If we all did that, it would save us a bunch of trouble. Remember Jesus said, “Be it unto you, as according to your faith.”
It’s your faith. In His hometown, He could not do many good works because of their unbelief. So, this couple knew from our CDs that it was about their faith. When they finally felt ready to release their faith they started small. They got in agreement for a vacuum cleaner. They sowed. They agreed on the Word of God, and they received their vacuum cleaner. And their faith grew. They believed for new clients, they sowed, and they received.
They believed for the largest month of business they’d ever had, they sowed, and they received.
Now, my goal is to help you understand the principles. So, what’s the difference between you and this couple? What’s the difference between you and the young woman I mentioned at the beginning of this letter?
The only difference is the way you think.
See, most of us have been taught that you give and, with the wave of God’s magic wand, it’s all done. But we have to know our part. We have to walk it out. Like a farmer, we have to sow our seed. You don’t hear of farmers sowing their seed and saying, “Get the lemonade out. It’s a done deal.” That farmer would never have his harvest! If he doesn’t know the seasons, how to discern the times, when to go out and harvest, how the product works, how to cultivate, who the enemies of his field are—if he doesn’t understand the whole process of harvest—he’s not going to have a harvest.
No matter how much money he’s put into that seed, or how much confidence he has in the laws of nature, he’s still not going to have a harvest. The same thing applies in the Kingdom, because the Kingdom operates by law. So, it works for anyone. That includes you. But you have to understand the whole process of the harvest.
There is SO much more I want to share with you about this! It’s time for you to take the steps necessary to really change the way you think about the way the Kingdom of God operates.
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For more on this topic, you can also check out this FREE episode of Fixing the Money Thing :
The post What is Your Life Saying About God to the People Around You? appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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