I know what you need.Please trust me.
Learn from me. Let me tell you how to handle it. It will save you so much time. – God
God has the answers you need. He wants to give you direction for your life.
There’s still plenty of time left for you to have what God wants you to have. But you’re going to have to do it His way.
You just may have to change the way you’ve been thinking and the way you’ve been seeing things.
There’s a story about the owners of Reed Farm in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1799, that has always stuck with me.
In 1799, gold mining was the second largest business venture after agriculture. Apparently, the owners of Reed Farm were oblivious to that, because when they found a big “rock” on their property, they didn’t think twice about it’s potential.
They only saw a rock.
“That rock will make a great doorstop,” they said.
And for three years it was a doorstop. Until the evening a local jeweler was at their house for dinner and noticed it.
The 17-pound nugget of 24-carat gold “rock.”
It’s true. And once those owners were finally aware of what was on their property, everything changed.
By 1831, they had found more than $10 million in gold on their property.
Imagine how many times they had walked around that gold nugget doorstop oblivious to what it really was.
How many times do you think they moved it in and out of place to hold the door, never knowing what they had their hands on?
In fact, according to the story, they sold that gold nugget for pretty cheap. You know that jeweler wasn’t about to tell them what that rock was when he bought it from them.
They didn’t know what they had.
Are you living that way—oblivious to the fact that you already possess something incredibly valuable?
See, Jesus laid down His life to empower you and give you an amazing inheritance.
You are supposed to have creative ideas.
As a child of God, you have the favor and wisdom of God operating through the Holy Spirit. There is NOTHING more valuable.
If you’ve been missing it, it’s not too late. You can get the answers you need.
You just need to learn exactly how the Kingdom of God operates. Because the Kingdom of God doesn’t work like the earth realm. It functions on different laws than we’re accustomed to.
Look at Mark 6:35-44 with me:
By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late. Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.
So, the disciples went to Jesus with a big problem. There were 5,000 men at this gathering that needed to eat. That means there could’ve easily been 20,000 people there counting women and children. The meeting had run late, and the people were hungry.
They had a real problem, right? They needed answers.
Notice Jesus didn’t say, “Oh, wow! I totally lost track of time; let’s close down the meeting right away.”
He said, “You give them something to eat.”
Jesus had to know that the disciples were going to freak out. They couldn’t possibly feed that many people. In fact, they started talking about how it would take more than half a year’s wages to just buy some bread for that many people.
They said to him, “That would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?”
The disciples immediately looked at their problem like most of us do—in the natural, earth curse system. They could only see things the ordinary way—the way that looks at how hard and how long it would take them to come up with the resources or how they could try to solve the problem, instead of looking to God for the answers.
But Jesus was teaching them. He was showing them how the Kingdom operates.
Hear more! Get your download of Gary’s complete Gold in Your Backyard series now.