There’s a formula for living the good life.
Are you missing one of the steps?
Years ago, the Lord told me it was time to accelerate. And He told me to look at Hebrews 11.
A few months ago, He took me back to that teaching and added to it. I shared the complete teaching at the 2017 Provision Conference.
Because it’s time for all of us to move forward.
**It’s time for us to accelerate into the destinies God has for us.**
So, what’s in Hebrews 11? Well, after a whole chapter of listing people who have done the impossible by tapping into the Kingdom, the writer says he doesn’t have the time to keep listing names and their stories. Instead, he tells us that those people who accomplished the impossible all did it with this process: *through faith they conquered kingdoms, administered justice and obtained the promises. *
This is the formula—the process—that you can walk out to enjoy the promises of God in your life.
*Through faith.*
Faith is the starting point. It’s the confident expectation that God is going to do all He said He would do. Faith is what activates heaven to make what we believe a reality here on earth.
*Conquered kingdoms.*
God has called and equipped you to be a conqueror. You weren’t made to back down, or run, or hide; you were made to engage the problem and be victorious. Your dream is on the other side of the battle.
*Administered justice.*
I’m going to park here for a few minutes.
Because this is where God said we miss it.
God said, *My people do not know how to administer justice, and because of that, many do not enjoy the promises.*
This is where people get stuck. This is where people lose money, time, and resources.
I began to think on what He was telling me. *Administering justice* means enforcing a legal code as a way of life, not a one-time event.
**We need to learn how to occupy what we take through the Kingdom, and we occupy by administration.**
Say I own a piece of land (my dominion) that has the potential to produce crops. The potential is there, but if weeds cover the land, there’s no benefit to my dominion even though the land is legally mine. Sure, I own it, but I’m not occupying it or reaping any benefit from it.
So let’s say that I declare war on the “kingdom of the weeds.” I attack those weeds and mow them down, and I have a beautifully cleared piece of land. Great, right? But unless I plant something good there, nothing changes. Even though I won the war against the weeds, I still have no benefit from the land because I still haven’t occupied the land properly through administration.
*Administering justice is applying what God says SHOULD be there, once we have conquered the land by faith. *
That’s where most Christians miss it; they don’t know how to administrate their victories, so they don’t enjoy the dominion that Jesus gave us in this life.
Enjoying the promises of God takes more than faith. By faith we see what God has given us, but we have to act on that revelation for it to have any impact here. Sure, we can engage the culture, the circumstances, or the problems to see the change we need and want, but once we overcome a situation, we HAVE to know how to *occupy* our victory.
A lot of Christians get stuck in the process. They may have faith, but they get stuck on the “conquered kingdoms” step. They don’t have the courage to declare war on the weeds.
Some Christians make it to the next step. They do confront their situations and conquer the kingdoms, but then they get stuck at administering justice. They mow down the weeds, but don’t know how to plant anything good in their place. They don’t know how to occupy.
Say a person believed God for a business, and they launched out by faith and did the things that were required to actually start their business (talking to the right people, securing the finances, developing a product, etc.).
Then the business fails.
Why? Because they didn’t know how to run a business.
Yes, they have the business, but they have no clue how to *administrate* it.
I can own a store, and declare how God brought it to pass, but still fail because I don’t know how to run a store.
You must know how to occupy your victory.
This is rampant in the body of Christ! Administration is something that we must either know or hire someone to do with excellence. EVERYTHING has to be occupied or administered for us to enjoy the benefit of our dominion and inheritance.
Take time today to think about areas of your life that need organized, administrated better, or given more attention.
God can’t give you more if you can’t properly administrate what you already have.
Ask Him for wisdom on how to administrate the territory He’s called you to occupy.
Learn more! Click on this blog’s offer to request your copy of the life-changing 2017 Provision Conference.
And watch this:
The post Are You Missing This? What You Need to Know About Living the Good Life. appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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