If you needed to get somewhere in the next few hours, and you have just two options on how you can get there:
1) On a bicycle.
2) In a car.
Which would you choose?
It’s not a trick question. This isn’t a tortoise-and-hare scenario. You’d choose the car, right? Because you’d want to get there faster and easier.
Here’s the thing: So many people are content to just keep riding the bicycle of life because that’s how they’ve always done it. And, sure, a bicycle is still a means to get there, but why take the harder, ordinary, slower way when you could accelerate?
Is that you?
If so, it’s time for you to get off the bicycle, toss your helmet, and experience something completely new.
It’s time for you to ACCELERATE into the life God has for you.
Because, whether you realize it or not, you have incredible potential. God has called you to do great things. He has given you gifts and talents that the world needs. He has a dream and a plan for your life. You have an assignment. You have a purpose.
You’re called to do something specific and to make a lasting impact.
I want to help you get there.
By changing your mind-set—your thinking—to one of opportunity and acceleration. I want to help you jump-start your future.
You can go to the next level.
You don’t have to keep doing things the hard way, the small way, or the slow way.
Of course, God’s system isn’t instant. Success in the Kingdom of God happens one small decision at a time. You do have to walk it out, and you do have to pass some tests.
Just like me, God will train you and raise you up with the capacity to capture the success and the destiny He has for you, but you need revelation. You need fresh revelation. You need fresh insight.
That’s where the 2017 Provision Conference comes in.
You need the life-changing teachings from the 2017 Provision Conference.
You need to hear for yourself everything that was shared at the conference about changing your thinking and accelerating into your destiny. I know these mentorship messages will inspire you to dream and allow God to cast vision for your life; they’ll help you recognize the ideas God has been downloading for you and help you know how to walk them out; and they’ll help you discover your potential and hone in on exactly what your “something specific” might be.
Even if you were there, you should get your copy so you can listen to it again and again!
The goal of the Provision Conference has always been to teach people, just like you and me, *a new way of thinking.* The Provision Conference isn’t designed to make you comfortable, it’s designed to help you become more successful.
The Provision Conference will help break you free from years of wrong teaching, wrong expectations, and wrong understanding about vision, success, money, and the Kingdom of God.
*“But isn’t that your ‘entrepreneurs’ conference, Gary? I’m not an entrepreneur.” *
It’s true that the Provision Conference does draw a lot of entrepreneurs, but it’s really about business—*Kingdom business. *
Like any entrepreneur, YOU have the power to produce something, make something, or do something to capture money, change your life, and further the Kingdom of God. You just need mentoring and guidance.
And because we always want you to learn from the best, we specifically line up leaders in the faith and prominent leaders in their industries—leaders that will wake you up and shake you up—so you can step into who you really are and change your life, your family, your community, and your future.
This year, we lined up two of the best keynote speakers: [Dr. Sam Chand](http://www.samchand.com/) and [Simon T. Bailey.](http://simontbailey.com/)
Both Sam and Simon packed so much knowledge on increase and going to the next level in their sessions—you HAVE to hear them for yourself!
In addition to the main sessions with [Dr. Sam Chand](http://www.samchand.com/) and [Simon T. Bailey](http://simontbailey.com/), [Drenda](drenda.com) also shared a transparent and compelling message about how you can have success or be sabotaged by your own thinking during her session.
I also led two critically important sessions where I completely broke down the *Nine Laws of Acceleration* the Lord gave me.
There were also EIGHT inspiring and practical conference workshop sessions at this year’s conference.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that you get your own copy of the 2017 Provision Conference main sessions and workshops.
I promise you these teachings will help you change your life and accelerate into the future God has for you.
Click on this blog’s offer to request your copy.
Plus, watch these brand new episodes of *Fixing the Money Thing* featuring Dr. Sam Chand:
The post This is Designed to Make You More Successful. appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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