You’re not supposed to just do it occasionally.
You were designed to *live* in it.
*Gary, you’ve lost it. There’s no way that’s possible in today’s world.*
No, really. If you study the Sabbath, you’ll find that God didn’t allow the Israelites to do any work on that day; no sweating or painful toil took place.
The Sabbath was the seventh day of the week, and it corresponded to the seventh day of creation. You might remember that the seventh day of creation was the day God declared as a day of rest. It wasn’t because God was tired, but rather, because He was finished. Everything was complete.
The seventh day was the day in which man was originally designed to live, a day with no worry, with everything man needed already in place before he needed it.
But Adam lost that rest when he rebelled against God. By rebelling against God, Adam cut off God’s ability to provide for him. He lost that place of provision that God had previously supplied. Adam was now forced to provide for himself, spending all his time working—painfully toiling and sweating—just to survive.
But God didn’t leave man without hope. He gave man a picture of the rest that He would someday restore.
The Sabbath day—a picture of the day where man would no longer have to strive, painfully toiling and sweating—just to survive.
*No way, Gary. Everyone I know runs hard every day just to survive. *
But you don’t have to.
Look at Leviticus 25.
There God is explaining the Year of Jubilee to the nation of Israel. To give you a bit of background, the Year of Jubilee occurred every 50 years, and there it’s significant.
The Israelites couldn’t sow crops for that entire year. In fact, they couldn’t sow crops in the 49th year either. Get a clear picture: Israel was told they couldn’t sow crops in the 49th or 50th years. They’d have to wait until the end of the 51st year, once they planted crops, for the crops to mature to harvest. So basically, God was telling them they’d have THREE years without a harvest.
If I told you that you couldn’t have a paycheck for three years, how would you react?
In the natural, that was impossible. But God was showing them something.
> “You may ask, ‘What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?’ I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.” – Leviticus 25:20-22
The Sabbath was made possible only because God blessed the sixth day with a double portion, or more than enough.
Let that roll around in your mind a bit.
*More than enough.*
When God gave man a double portion on the sixth day, He was reminding man that He was their provider, and He always provided more than enough.
*More than enough.*
*Freedom from the rat race. *
*From slavery to having options. *
*Free to find and prosper in your purpose and passion. *
*No worries. *
*Every need taken care of. *
Drenda and I have said, “Until you fix the money thing, you will never be able to find your purpose.”
Want some great news?
The Sabbath rest is still available today, and it offers a place where your needs are met and you can prosper past survival.
> There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work (the painful toil and sweat system, survival) just as God did from His.
The Kingdom of God superseded the earth realm’s law of painful toil and sweat. As you learn how to tap into the Kingdom of God, you can prosper and find your purpose. Life can be fun, and full of passion and joy.
Learn more! Click on this blog’s offer to request your copy of Gary’s book *Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Allegiance* now!
Plus, watch this important episode of *Fixing the Money Thing* FREE now:
[“Living in the Day of Rest”](http://https://garykeesee.com/episodes/archives?v=217574067&t=Living%20In%20the%20Day%20of%20Rest)
The post Stressed Out? Worried? You Need to Know This. appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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