By Gary Keesee January 10, 2023
Reading Time 3 mins 30 secs – Ready to talk about a controversial topic? It’s time to talk about healing. Healing isn’t a popular subject for most people, and it’s definitely not a popular sermon for most pastors. But that doesn’t make sense to me, because health is a really big deal. So, maybe you’ve talked to some people in your family about health, healthcare, and maybe even healing. Do you know what your family thinks about all of that? What about your friends? Where do they stand on the important issues? How about your church? What do those people think? And how about your elected officials? What are they saying? Because if you know all of those views, you’ve got it covered, right? Well, wait just a minute. Can you tell me what the Bible says about it? If you’ve ever heard me speak, you know that I’ve said that healing is a promise from God. You may know of a few specific places in the Bible you can reference, like Isaiah 53:5, which tells us that by Jesus’s wounds, His stripes, we are healed. But there is more. There is so much more. So, go get your Bible and give me just a few minutes of your time. (Go on and get it. Really, I’ll be waiting right here.) You have to have your Bible with you because this is warfare, and your Bible is your weapon. Sickness and disease are spiritual battles. When you’re fighting those battles, you have to know your legal rights. You have to know what the Bible says. You can’t try to fight just knowing what I say or what some other TV preacher says. You have to know the Bible for yourself. Let’s begin by looking at Matthew 8:16. It says in my Bible that Jesus restored to health ALL who were sick. What does your Bible say? How about Matthew 4:23? What does that say? Matthew 9:35? Matthew 12:15? Matthew 14:14? Matthew 15:30? Matthew 19:2? Matthew 21:14? Acts 10:38? I could keep going. “But that’s Jesus,” you say. “Of course He healed everyone, Gary.” Well, look at Luke 9:1. Jesus gave the disciples the same power He had to heal people. Now, look at Luke 9:6 then Luke 10:1-9. This is where Jesus appointed 72 others to carry on the mission of preaching the Gospel and healing people. In Mark 16:15-18, we read that Jesus authorized and deputized the church to do the exact same thing. He said if WE believe and are baptized that WE have His power, His Spirit, and that we’re to go out and lay hands on the sick so that they will get well. You see, the promise of healing is everywhere in the Word of God. What’s the deal then? Why are some people healed and others are not? One critical thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is our lack of confidence. When you’re not sure what you believe, you’re not confident. We have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s God’s will to heal every time or we can’t possibly be confident. If we’ve been taught that God allows sickness, that He uses it to teach people things, or that He’ll heal when He’s ready to heal, we’ve lost confidence. None of that is Scripture. None of that is the will of God. Once you know the will of God, you can know that justice will be served for you. The only way you know the will of God is to study the Word of God. Another thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is tradition. The Bible says in Matthew 15:6 that tradition nullifies the Word of God. What is tradition? It’s the passing on of beliefs or customs from generation to generation. How many times have you heard, “I don’t believe like that” or “My church doesn’t teach that”? Well, brace yourself—who cares what your church says? Who cares what I say? You need to know what the Bible says about it! What has been set up in your mind about yourself? What have you learned or possibly adapted to that does not line up with God’s Word? Let’s change it. Let’s change your mentality. Let’s stop saying, “Help me” and start saying, “Let’s find out what God’s will is.” Let’s get to where you’re thanking God that you’ve already been helped. How do we do that? Get in the Word of God. Guard your heart, and make sure you’re putting ONLY faith in there. Use your words. Enforce the promise. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t let the situation appear bigger than God. Right now, you might not be there. You might be intrigued, but that’s about it. Just wait a little while. Keep digging into the Word of God. Let faith build in your spirit. Put faith and the Word of God in your heart before anything comes into your life. Because sometimes you don’t have time to get your Bible, and you need to be prepared. Have the Word of God in your heart so you can get to it if you can’t get to your Bible. Know and be convinced of what the will of God is.
By Gary Keesee June 30, 2020
Get ready. This statement might shock you: God is limited to where WE go. He can't go any farther than where WE—the Body of Christ—go. So if your body can’t do the job it’s supposed to do, God can’t do what He wants to do. This is where we have to get a proper perspective. We have to know what and who we really are. First Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we’re to honor God with them. That means that our bodies carry the presence, the authority, and the nature of God wherever we go. You've probably read (or heard someone preach)—that your body is a temple—before, but what do you do with that info? I mean, I'm sure you realize your body is important, but do you think about your body as honoring God ? Do you think of your body in terms of worship ? Most people think worship is about music and goose bumps. But if you want to worship God you honor Him and do what He says, with everything . So what does it look like to worship God with your body? Well, Ephesians 5 tells us that we are to respect our physical bodies as Christ respected the Church. He made the body of Christ holy. Your physical body is holy unto God. It is separated and consecrated. Imagine that you’re looking at the most beautiful building you've ever seen—that’s how God looks at YOU. He bought you with the blood of Jesus. There is no one like you on the earth. He made you radiant. Before you were born again, you were alive, but you weren’t alive in Him. When you were born again, you became radiant. And then, holy and blameless. We are to keep our bodies holy and blameless. That is our act of worship to Him—keeping ourselves holy and blameless. Note: It doesn’t matter if you agree with that or not. That’s what the Bible says. So we see that we have an important responsibility to God to handle our bodies properly. We see that our bodies are extremely important to God. The enemy hates you, and your body. So, I’m sure you can imagine why the devil hates the body so much. In fact, he wants to destroy your body. He wants to dishonor it. He wants you to misuse your body. He hates that you're holy and blameless in God's eyes. He wants to make you filthy. He wants you to hate yourself and your features; to think your body is ugly or worthless; he wants you to devalue yourself. He wants you to defile your body. Because when you defile your body, you give Satan legal access to your life. Norville Hayes tells a story about two parents who called him because their son was in a trance. Something had happened to him. He was away at college and he had fallen into this trance and no one could get him out. When Norville arrived, he found out that this young man had streaked across the campus naked, and at the end of the run he had basically became a zombie. Norville began to pray for him. He prayed for eight hours . At the eighth hour, green foam began to come out of that young man’s mouth, and he finally came out of the trance. It sounds like a simple prank, streaking across campus naked, but that young man had defiled his temple and given Satan legal access to his life. Now the culture will help you with this. They’ll tell you that sexual sin is the norm. They’ll try to get you to believe that mutilation is trendy. They’ll tell you it’s just fun and games to run across campus naked. But you need to be aware. The culture degrades the body. We need to be modest. We’re the temple of God. Only our spouses should see us without our clothes on. We need to teach our young people to dress modestly because the world definitely doesn’t teach it. I know I’m stepping on toes here, but I’m going to take it one step further. Don't decorate your body with anything you might wish you could change later in life. You need to be wary of those things. Count the cost. Be careful. Your body is God’s. Keep a proper perspective. Don’t just buy into the culture and do what seems cool at the moment. I’m not telling you any of this stuff to make you feel condemned. There is no condemnation here. We all fight this in some way. That’s why one of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. The spirit of God will help you—all you have to do is bring it to him. Maybe you don’t think you have the strength. Maybe you’ve been doing the same things for years and you don’t know how to stop it. Maybe you have a chronic habit. Something is out of whack. Maybe the Holy Spirit has been dealing with you about it and you’ve been neglecting it. Ask God to help you. Above all else His desire is to prosper you and be in health. I want to see you healthy, too. We’re known for teaching you to prosper, but you can’t do that if you’re not healthy. Yes, God is a healer, but He made your body to heal itself and you can avoid a lot of things if you’ll take care of it the way you should. I know all about that. I've been overweight before. I haven't taken care of myself in the past. I've run on too little sleep. I've enjoyed my share of good Chinese food buffets, root beer floats, and White Castle burgers. I've gotten out of whack. And when I have trouble, or I get out of balance, I ask God to help me. I know that with God I can do anything, but I have to give my life and my body to Him. So do you. Remember that your body is a member of Christ Himself. Stop doing anything with your body that gives Satan access to your life. Take this important responsibility seriously. See your body as a temple. Filter life through that, and make the changes you need to make. A few quick tips to help you: Try fixing your lifestyle before you try quick fixes. Find balance in every area of your life. If you smoke, stop. Think about what you’re eating and when you’re eating it. Make changes to your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Get out there and get moving. Make exercise a way that you worship God. Try to cook at home as much as possible. Home cooked meals have less preservatives and less harmful ingredients. Eat regularly during the day. Your body is an engine that requires fuel. You need to fuel your body. Make sure that you’re eating small meals during the day. Stop focusing on your weight and focus on your temple. When you are doing healthy things for your temple, you’ll see the results. It’s NEVER too late to make changes. You’re in charge. No one has the authority over your body but you. Did you miss any part of the LIVE WHOLE! series? Download your copy of the life changing 10-part series here now.
By Gary Keesee May 15, 2020
At the beginning of the year, our team planned about six months out what we thought you might like to hear from us about. We thought we’d share one of our ministry’s most life-changing series— Live Whole —with you around mid-July. But I decided to change course and send you a letter about Live Whole NOW because of everything that has happened in our world over the last few months. See, Live Whole is about healing . When I taught Live Whole years ago, I focused on physical healing. But right now, the Live Whole series means so much more. Emotional healing… Spiritual healing… Financial healing… For YOU, for your family , and for our nation . Friend, I’ve been in places like this before in life. I’ve been so sick I didn’t know if I was going to die. I’ve been so broke I couldn’t feed my family. I’ve been so low that I had no hope for my future. It was at that point that God taught me some things, and I want to share those things with you. Because God wants you to live whole. His promise of healing is everywhere in His Word. Jesus restored health to ALL who were sick (Matthew 8:16). Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and HEALING ALL KINDS OF SICKNESS and ALL KINDS OF DISEASE among the people (Matthew 4:23). There are so many Scriptures I could reference here, but there is one that undeniably PROVES that the Lord has not only PROMISED healing but also that healing is your legal right as a child of God—that’s Isaiah 53:5 (NIV): But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we ARE HEALED. Pause for a second. Did you see that? Go back and read Isaiah 53:5 again. Do you see it? It says you ARE healed. See, so many Christians say, “I believe that God is going to heal me,” or “I’m waiting on God to heal me,” but they’ve got it wrong. Jesus ALREADY paid the price for your healing—physically, emotionally, financially… in every area of your life! You don’t become healed. You already WERE healed—2,000 years ago. Friend, faith is not coming . Faith will not be eventually . Faith IS ! Faith IS the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1, KJV). Of course, this is where things can get difficult, because our natural minds want to see things. But we know faith is the evidence of things not yet seen . When you have faith for what the Word says, you enact a spiritual law that brings it into existence. You won’t see it come to pass unless you have faith when you can’t yet see it. That was a revelation to me. I was one of those people who thought I was waiting on God, not the other way around! You may know my story. My wife, Drenda, and I had a hard time with money for nine very long years. I was always putting out fires and trying to survive, and that lifestyle left me in an almost constant state of fear. It wreaked havoc on my emotions. Then, it wreaked havoc on my body. I started having panic attacks and heart palpitations. Doctors put me on medication, but the medication only made my symptoms worse. Something was going on with my body that the doctors couldn’t explain. I was terrified. I didn’t want to die. I wanted to see my kids grow up. So, I did the only thing I could do—I began to search the Word of God like never before. I would get up and study the Word first thing in the morning. I wanted to know what the Bible said about healing, and I knew I needed God to teach me. Then, when Drenda and I heard about a healing conference in a nearby city, we went. And I went up for prayer. The anointing was very strong, and I believed I received my healing. But when I walked out of the building that night, I still felt sick. Before I went to bed that night, I asked God why I still felt sick. While I slept, a Scripture kept coming up in my dream. It wasn’t familiar to me, but when I told Drenda the next morning, she said it was Mark 11:24 (NIV): Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. All of a sudden, a lightbulb went off. I got it! The Word of God told me I WAS healed, but I wasn’t acting like it. I would say, “Okay, I’m healed,” then the symptoms would come back, and I would think, No, I guess I’m not or I’m still waiting for my healing. But I was ALREADY healed! I just had to walk my faith out. I had to become convinced that healing is a PROMISE from God; I had to get fed up! That’s exactly what happened to Amy T. Amy was battling migraines. She would wake up every morning and go to bed every night with a migraine. She was a newlywed, but she couldn’t enjoy time with her husband. They would sit in the dark because any amount of light would trigger another migraine. She’d have to wear sunglasses even to drive AT NIGHT. If someone took her picture, she would instantly get a migraine. She was withdrawing from life. She couldn’t work. She didn’t go outside. She was paralyzed by pain. So Amy did the thing we all do—she went to see several specialists, and they sent her for tests. The specialists looked for answers and came up with nothing. They told her they didn’t know how to help her. They told her she should just try to “manage her pain.” So she went to a pain management specialist. The program they put her on required that she receive shots of medication into her skull. (Yes, her skull .) And we’re not talking about one, or two, or even five shots of medication. They put 23 shots of medication into the back of her skull at her first appointment. At the second appointment, it was 15 shots. She was getting shots of medication in her forehead, in the back of her head, and in her neck. But she wasn’t getting any better. So, now you’re waiting to hear how Amy started believing God and then everything changed, right? Well, that’s not the story. See, Amy had always believed God. She had believed God when the migraines started and through the doctor appointments. She had believed God through the testing and through the shots of medication. She knew the Word and that Jesus had already paid for her healing. But it wasn’t happening. She got fed up. She decided that she didn’t want to live the rest of her life “managing her pain.” She knew better. She just had to do something about it. Amy’s story is in the Live Whole series, along with probably a dozen others. In fact, that Amy’s story in the Live Whole series is the one that ignited the fire in my own daughter Amy, encouraging her to grab hold of the promise of healing for herself and see it come to pass in her own body after years of suffering with pain and issues. Now, my daughter Amy’s healing story is one of hundreds of healings that have taken place as a result of people listening to the Live Whole mentorship series and applying what they learned! I’m convinced that Jesus already paid the price for YOUR healing in EVERY area of your life. I know because I’ve experienced it myself. YOU need to be convinced too. In order to walk out your faith effectively, you need to be COMPLETELY convinced that healing is God’s promise to you—that it is your legal right to be healed and live whole in EVERY area of your life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friend, I want to share with you everything God taught me about healing. I created the Live Whole mentorship series to do just that. It's a 10-part series packed with everything you need to know from the Word of God about how to walk out your healing and amazing stories of healing that will encourage you on your journey. So many healings have taken place as a result of people listening to the Live Whole mentorship series, including what I said earlier is THE MOST INCREDIBLE HEALING STORY WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE MORE THAN 20 YEARS WE’VE BEEN IN MINISTRY. It’s the healing story of my oldest daughter Amy. Amy shares her incredible story in her book, Healed Overnight . Healed Overnight is the perfect companion to the Live Whole mentorship series. Not only does Amy’s story further reinforce the healing principles you’ll learn in the Live Whole series, but it also provides practical examples of how to apply these principles to your life, as well as answers to questions you may have concerning miracles and healing and much more! The bottom line of all of this is that your health—in every area of life—is a big deal. I know that from experience. I also know that you don't have to believe the lies of the enemy. The Bible says that Jesus ALREADY paid the price for your healing! Request your copy of my life-changing, 10-part Live Whole teaching series, along with Amy’s Healed Overnight book, plus our Healing Scripture Cards to build your faith and give you the knowledge on how to LIVE WHOLE TODAY! Get ready to see the evidence in the Word of God that proves that it’s possible for you to LIVE WHOLE! Be ready to be convinced!
By Drenda Keesee March 16, 2020
With President Trump asking us to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people, schools shutting down all over the U.S., and negative reports on repeat about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), a lot of unrest and fear has hit our nation. I want to encourage you with Psalm 23:4 (ESV) today: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” As believers, we don’t have to live in fear of the coronavirus. God is bigger than the coronavirus! It’s easy to have peace when things are going well, but only the peace of God can carry us through even in the face of difficult circumstances. I want to encourage you that God’s healing power is still alive and present today, and the same God who raised Jesus from the dead is watching over you during this national crisis! God wants you to be healed emotionally and physically, and it is His will that you walk in freedom and in health! Healing in the Gospels Throughout the Gospels, Jesus healed all the sick around Him. He never refused to heal someone. Anyone who sought Him for healing was healed. Matthew 15:30 (NLT) says, “A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all.” We see a variety of individuals with illnesses and health problems brought to Jesus, and He healed them ALL . There was no one He refused to heal and nothing He was incapable of healing. And that same healing power is available for you today! We can find examples throughout the Gospels of instances where Jesus healed all those around Him who needed healing. (See Luke 4:40, Luke 9:11, Matthew 9:35, Mark 6:56, and Luke 6:19, to name a few.) There are many other verses where we see Jesus healing ALL of those who came to Him. And God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8, NLT). And as God’s children, all of His promises are “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Based on the Bible, it’s clear that God wants us to live healthy and whole lives. His healing power is still present and at work today. Healing Today What if I told you that with God you don’t have to accept the diagnosis from the doctor and live with sickness? First Peter 2:24 (NIV) says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” Beyond reading any Scriptures, I know that God still heals today because I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes over and over again! Amy's Story For nine years, our daughter Amy knew something was wrong with her body. Over time her body became disfigured, with her spine full of knots and her stomach so swollen that people constantly thought she was pregnant. After believing God for healing, she woke up one morning, and she was completely healed overnight ! She was thirteen pounds lighter, nine inches smaller in her waist, and pain free! That’s just one of many, many stories I have seen personally of God’s power to heal. I have seen God heal people of cancer, M.S., heart disease, and more—and He can heal people from the coronavirus! God wants to heal you, but you have to believe that He can and will. It takes faith to believe for your healing, and the enemy does not want you to believe that God is still actively healing today. God's Will Regarding Healing g God wants His children to be healthy. It’s a common misconception that God causes sickness to teach us something or to use it for His glory. He does NOT cause His children to suffer. The Bible tells us in James 1:17 (NLT) “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” God gives His children good things. And when He heals you from sickness, He will use it for His glory and as a way to reach others and bring them to Him. Who wouldn’t want to follow a God who heals? Your healing testimony can greatly impact the world for God, so Satan does not want you to believe that God still heals today. In fact, he will try to convince you that it’s God’s will for you to be suffering. It’s important for you to spot the lies of the enemy and know what is true! When negative thoughts or fear try to speak into your life, choke those thoughts out with the truth of God’s Word! God is Our Healer Whatever the future holds, I want you to know that GOD IS BIGGER THAN COVID-19. Choose faith over fear today, and trust in the promises of God for your healing, health, and protection. Luke 1:37 (NIV) says, “For no word from God will ever fail.” If you need healing today, believe God for it. It’s wise to seek the advice of medical professionals, but we do not have to accept what they say as our ultimate fate. Pray and meditate on what God’s Word says about the situation! Your healing may happen instantly, but it may not. Don’t get discouraged if you are not instantly healed. There may be a short time between the “Yes” and “Amen,” but beneath the surface, know that you are already healed when you pray, even if it takes a little bit for your physical body to show the results of what has already happened in the spiritual! Remember that you are God’s child and He loves you. The victory is already won, and death was conquered when Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead. GOD IS BIGGER than the coronavirus!
By Gary Keesee March 4, 2020
I'm just going to go there right away... You shouldn't panic. Yes, you should be taking precautions. But you shouldn't panic. Why? I'll show you. But you need to go get your Bible. Go on and get it. I’ll wait... You have to have your Bible with you because this is warfare and your Bible is your weapon. Sickness and disease are spiritual battles. When you’re fighting those battles you have to know your legal rights. You have to know what the Bible says. You can’t try to fight just knowing what I say or what some other preacher says. You have to know the Bible for yourself. Let’s begin by looking at Matthew 8:16. It says in my Bible that Jesus restored to health ALL who were sick. What does your Bible say? How about Matthew 4:23? What does that say? Matthew 9:35? Matthew 12:15? Matthew 14:14? Matthew 15:30? Matthew 19:2? Matthew 21:14? Acts 10:38? I could keep going. But that’s Jesus , you say. Of course He healed everyone. Well, look at Luke 9:1. Jesus gave the disciples the same power He had to heal people. Now look at Luke 9:6, then Luke 10:1-9. This is where Jesus appointed 70 others to carry on the mission of preaching the gospel and healing people. In Mark 16:15-18 we read that Jesus authorized and deputized the church to do the exact same thing. He said if we believe and are baptized that we have His power, His spirit, and that we’re to go out and lay hands on the sick so that they will get well. You see, the promise of healing is everywhere in the Word of God. What’s the deal then? Why are some people healed and others are not? Well, look at Tracy's story: In 1997, Tracy Pickett started going numb in her toes. She was afraid. The numbness would start in her toes and would travel up her body. She compared it to having a stroke. It would strike the right side of her body and she wouldn’t be able to walk or use her body properly. She couldn’t even brush her hair. That went on for three years. Then she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Tracy knew she needed God. She went to her mom’s church for prayer, but then her mom told her she needed to find Jesus for herself. And Tracy listened. She says she sat on her bed and started reading her Bible from the beginning. Then, Tracy found what she was looking for. She saw that Jesus had healed all of our diseases and that the word ‘healed’ was past tense . But Tracy says she was still really dealing with symptoms – symptoms so bad that she felt her life was being stolen from her. She says she kept on asking God to heal her, begging Him, and trying to be "good" in order to get healed. But it wasn’t working. In 2007, a friend told Tracy that she should watch what she was saying out of her mouth and to find more teaching on healing. She did. She learned that God is not a liar—He’s a healer— and even though she was still dealing with symptoms, she was already healed. Tracy has been walking in health ever since. She received her healing. Notice this: Tracy stopped trying to GET healed. She had revelation that she was ALREADY healed. But what was the catch? She had to enforce it. She had to start saying out of her mouth that God had healed her regardless of what people might have said to her, what it might have looked like, or what she felt like. Tracy found out exactly what the Bible says. She became confident when she began to study the Word of God. She learned what is legal and not legal according to God. Then she began to enforce it. One critical thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is our lack of confidence. When you’re not sure what you believe, you’re not confident. People aren’t confident that it’s God will to heal because they don’t know the Word. We have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s God’s will to heal EVERY time or we can’t possibly be confident. We’ve been taught that God allows sickness, that He uses it to teach people things, or that He’ll heal when He’s ready to heal. We’ve lost confidence. None of that is Scripture; none of that is the will of God. Once you know the will of God, you can know that justice will be served for you. The only way you know the will of God is to study the Word of God. Another thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is tradition. The Bible says in Matthew 15:6 that tradition nullifies the Word of God. What is tradition? It’s the passing on of beliefs or customs from generation to generation. How many times have you heard, “I don’t believe like that,” or “My church doesn’t teach that?” Who cares what your church says? Who cares what I say? You need to know what the Bible says about it! What has been set up in your mind about yourself? What have you learned or possibly adapted to that does not line up with God’s Word? Let’s change it. Let’s change your mentality. Let’s stop saying, “Help me” and start saying, “Let’s find out what God’s will is.” Let’s get to where you’re thanking God that you’ve already been helped. How? Get in the Word of God. Guard your heart and make sure you’re putting faith in there. Put faith and the Word of God in your heart before anything comes into your life. Because sometimes you don’t have time to get your Bible and search for verses. They need to be tucked in your heart so you’re prepared. Have the Word of God in your heart. Know and be convinced of what the will of God is. Use your words. Enforce it. Don’t be intimidated. DON'T PANIC. Don’t let the situation appear bigger than God. I hate what the devil does to people. I hate sickness. I hate what people put up with. They need to be taught there is a new way of living that Jesus ALREADY paid for. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Need some encouragement during this turbulent time? Download Gary's life changing Live Whole series and examine the evidence in the Word of God that proves that it is possible to live a life free from health concerns.
By Gary Keesee September 25, 2019
You give and take away You give and take away My heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be Your name. You’ve probably heard that popular Christian song. But don’t sing those lyrics. Because they’re a lie. If you know anything about the Word of God, you’ve probably heard about Job, about his entire family […] The post Do You Know the Truth About the Story of Job? appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
By Gary Keesee May 23, 2019
An inmate in a Colorado prison filed a lawsuit against the National Football League for over $88 billion. Yes, you read that right—a prison inmate is suing the NFL for $88 billion. It gets even better. The suit stems from a ruling made by officials during a play-off game between the Dallas Cowboys and the […] The post Jesus Couldn’t Heal People? What in the World Happened? appeared first on Gary Keesee Ministries.
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