By Gary Keesee
April 15, 2020
How did you celebrate Easter? Yes, Easter. The day that is usually about egg hunts and baskets and candy and the Easter bunny and dressing up in fancy outfits and going to church. Because, we all know, this year was drastically different. With most Americans under orders to stay at home, how we celebrated Easter changed for maybe the first time in our lives. Church services were online, or listened to from parked cars drive-in-theater-style. Dresses and cute little Easter hats and bow ties and vests for the kiddos were left in their closets. Egg hunts only happened in our own yards, not in communities. So much about how we celebrate Easter changed. But why we celebrate didn't. Maybe you only took communion with Saltine crackers and grape juice from your living room in front of the TV, but why you took communion didn't change. Maybe you joined your church's Easter service online while you were still in your pajamas, but why you chose to join in didn't change. Because on Easter we celebrate that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We take communion. We stop to think about the horror He went through for us, and we're grateful He took our place. But this Easter especially, I want to make sure that no one forgets that Jesus's death isn’t the most important part of the story— it’s that He rose from the grave. Imagine with me for a minute that you’re sitting in the defendant’s chair in a court of law. Since the Bible tells us that Satan is the accuser of the brethren, imagine he's sitting on the other side of the courtroom as the plaintiff. Now, imagine Satan telling the judge over and over again that you owe him. He is taking you to court, accusing you in front of the judge, because he wants you to pay the price for what you've done. He wants justice. In his mind, the only way for you to pay for what you've done is for you to belong to him . But you have the best attorney possible. Your attorney tells the judge that He already stepped in on your behalf and paid the price for you to walk away from all of Satan's accusations, taunting, and tactics. The judge bangs His gavel and says, "Case dismissed." And you walk away FREE and CLEAR. Jesus is your attorney. He is the one who already stepped in on your behalf and paid the price for you to walk away free and clear. Only Jesus could live up to the Law. He was judged by the Law and pronounced innocent. Jesus didn’t sin. He was tempted as we are, but He had a nature of light. His death was a set-up. In Acts 8:32 we read that Jesus was deprived of justice. Jesus, the only one who wasn’t guilty, was crucified as being guilty FOR YOU AND FOR ME . Satan had done something illegal in the spiritual courts of law. He deprived Jesus of justice. Satan thought he was getting away with something because Jesus was innocent. And Jesus didn’t even open His mouth to defend Himself. He was silent, willfully walking into His death. Because God had a plan. Yes, Jesus paid the price in our place. Justice demanded an answer. Jesus was the answer. He was the only man on the face of the earth that could give God the legality in the earth realm. Because of His death, the Bible says that you now rule as kings and queens. Because of His death, you now possess the righteousness of Jesus. You stand before God innocent. It’s not an emotional thing. No matter how you feel or what you see or how much dysfunction, chaos, pressure, stress, or fear Satan tries to throw at you, you can enforce your legal rights as a believer, because Jesus already stood in the gap. Jesus gave His life on the cross to buy us back from evil. Then He ROSE from the grave, defeating death, and EVERY other lesser work of darkness. Jesus didn't just pay for our sins. He OVERCAME death. He gave us liberty. He made us sons and daughters of God Almighty. He gave us amazing benefits. There is nothing greater that has happened in the history of the earth. So, as far as God is concerned, whatever you might be dealing with is a legal matter—a court case—that was ALREADY settled ( dismissed! ) 2,000 years ago in a spiritual court of law! It's already DEFEATED, CONQUERED ! No matter what problem you’re facing—in your marriage, in your family, in your finances, in your business, in your body— you can be confident in your legal right that you will see justice served on your behalf as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ God is the God of Justice and His Kingdom is one of laws that do NOT change. If you're putting up with things you don't have to like dysfunction, chaos, unrighteousness, and fear, it's because you don't know who you really are and the authority you have in this life. You have a legal right for justice to be served on your behalf. You can stand on the promises of God, justify yourself, and overcome the enemy. Learn how to enforce justice and get your victory in this life! Download your copy of my The Cry for Justice mentorship series now. Want to learn step-by-step, what Drenda and I learned about the Kingdom of God and how it completely changed our lives? Click here for your FREE access to the first month’s module of Provision Institute !